Traveling is now a passion for millions of people around the world and has become a primary source of leisure for many. There are many reasons for traveling: some people travel to relieve stress, and others do it just for leisure. However, beyond these reasons, travel has great benefits and positive effects on humans. So, let us discuss the benefits of traveling for a Muslim traveler.
Islam not only takes traveling into consideration for different purposes and needs but also encourages people to travel due to the major benefits that travel has for Muslims. These benefits are known for their uniqueness and their impact on people.
So here are 7 great benefits of traveling for Muslims:
1. Reading the Book of the Universe, and understanding the importance of life

The most important benefit of traveling for a Muslim is that through travel and exploring they read the meaning of this universe and its existence. The traveler reads the book of the universe and understands the signs of Allah, reflects upon the wisdom of the Creator for the creation of this world, and he finds out more about his Creator.
When you travel you come to know how astonishing is the creation, and how Allah has created everything everything and balanced it with a proper balance. A traveler starts to learn that everything has a sign indicating that He (Allah) is the One and Only Creator of everything.
Moreover, when a Muslim travels he understands the importance of life how it began, and how it is going to end. And that’s the benefit of traveling.
Allah (S.W.T) says:
قُلۡ سِيرُواْ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَٱنظُرُواْ كَيۡفَ بَدَأَ ٱلۡخَلۡقَۚ ثُمَّ ٱللَّهُ يُنشِئُ ٱلنَّشۡأَةَ ٱلۡأٓخِرَةَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ قَدِيرٞ
Say, [O Muhammad], “Travel through the land and observe how He began creation. Then Allah will produce the final creation. Indeed Allah, over all things, is competent.” (QURAN: 29:20)
2. Earning a living and searching for halal means of livelihood

We as human beings need food to sustain ourselves on this planet and traveling plays a very crucial role in providing us with the essentials we need whether it’s in the form of earnings or foodstuffs. Islam encourages people to strive hard in the search of what Allah has written for them which is called the Rizq. This is the biggest benefit of traveling you get what you need to survive and to complete your term on the face of planet Earth.
Allah Almighty says:
“It is He who has made the earth subservient to you, so walk in its paths and eat of His provision and of Him”. (Al-Mulk)
“And others strike in the land seeking of the bounty of God” (Al-Muzzammil)
3. Getting relief from anxiety, removal of sadness, renewal of oneself

Anxiety, sadness, and stress are common with humans from day one, and there is nothing wrong with it, but traveling has a solution for these things. Traveling gives relief from never-ending worries.
This doesn’t happen with the travel you do for leisure. This happens when you take travel seriously and live a life of a traveler. You understand the suffering, the challenges, and the hardship yourself, and you come across hundreds of thousands of people fighting the same battle. Then eventually, it takes all your anxiety and worries away from you.
So this is also one of the benefits of traveling for Muslims. Traveling renews your inner version and gives you a completely different perspective on life, a life where you don’t expect comfort and ease but live life as it is.
4. Eliminating boredom, and enjoying the sweetness of meeting your loved ones after a long time

We sometimes get bored of staying in one place for a long time. We get bored by the busy life, the never-sleeping cities, and so on, but the benefit of traveling is that it allows us to eliminate boredom from our lives. It doesn’t only do that, but it also offers the joy and sweetness of meeting your family, friends, and people after a long time.
When you travel for the sake of meeting the people you care about, it gives you a sense of achievement for whatever you are doing in your life, and without traveling, it is never possible. People will find their lives boring and hard if they are constantly staying in one place or not meeting their family and relatives. Traveling is encouraged in Islam for similar reasons when it comes to taking care of your family and the people around you.
It’s far better to travel to meet your loved ones than to travel for leisure to an unknown destination where nobody knows you and nobody cares about you.
5. Taking advice and lessons from the conditions of previous nations.

Nations, states, and people, no matter how long they live, are destined to disappear and perish, no matter how much strength they gain. By traveling to the ancient places where once a powerful nation lived, we learn so much. We learn how they denied the commands of Allah and what happened to them as a result of disobedience.
When we explore the places of previous nations, we learn to follow the strict boundaries set by Allah, and we learn to appreciate the blessings that are different and bestowed upon us. We learn much more about the righteous people who were before us and their condition of suffering for the sake of Allah, and so on.
Allah (S.W.T) says:
“Have they not travelled throughout the land to see what was the end of those ˹destroyed˺ before them? They were far superior in might and ˹richer in˺ monuments throughout the land. But Allah seized them for their sins, and they had no protector from Allah.” (Al-Ghafir:21)
7. Acquiring companions, making new friends, and getting to know more about people.

One of the greatest benefits of traveling for Muslims is making new friends and learning more about people living outside their local area. It is obvious that when we travel, we meet people from different places, cultures, and religions, as well as different countries. When a Muslim travels to new places, he learns more about people and history and also talks to them about the positive aspects of his place of living, his people, and his culture.
This is one of the greatest benefits of traveling for a Muslim because, through this kind of travel, Muslims can also spread the message of Islam in a beautiful way by meeting new people and making friends in different lands, cultures, and communities.
Traveling has always been one of the best sources to learn more about this world and the purpose of its existence. Not only that but traveling also has many great benefits and positive effects on mankind. When traveling is done in search of knowledge, it changes the way we think about this world and its existence.
Traveling allows you to do so much when you’re bored, traveling opens your mind towards positivity, traveling makes you realize of hardship of our Ummah, and beyond that traveling enables you to perform religious obligations like Hajj and Umrah. In other words, the benefits of traveling for Muslims are countless and have a crucial role in every Muslim’s life.
In summary, traveling has many impactful benefits in the life of a Muslim, but we should never forget that traveling is encouraged in Islam for a purpose rather than today’s modern way of travel, which includes many haram things. So a Muslim must make sure that his travels are beneficial for both his life and hereafter.